
Role Transition of HRM in Thailand

Southeast Asian Crisis and the subsequent institutional reforms have compelled regional nations to reappraise their human resource management (HRM) practices in 1997 . Case of Thailand, this has led to many transformations and restructure programs, and renew plans within the public as well as private sector organizations to develop the borderless competition. The strategic role transition of HRM and the significance of this function in enhancing the competitive of firms, from a traditional payroll function to a business partner in the business operations, is delineated. Also, key challenges and opportunities faced by practitioners are identified with a final assertion that the various external and internal features of Thai business organisations will substantially impact the transition of HRM.

Siengthai, S. & Bechter, C. (2005).

Human Resource Management in Thailand:

A Strategic Transition for Firm Competitiveness,

Research and Practice in Human Resource Management,

13(1), 18-29.